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The Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) is an advocacy organization where First Ladies of Africa seek to leverage their unique position to advocate for policies that make health services accessible and laws that boost women and youth empowerment. ePareto developed the OAFLAD website – a tri-lingual (Eglish, French, Portuguese) site with an individual directory for each First Lady. The website helps ensures their projects are communicated across the continent and beyond.
Blackstripe Limited
Wire Weaving Industries
Life Support Ghana
Alexis Miranda Foundation
Mimosa Developers
Home Foods

With their vision Inspire, Empower and Support women executives to be successful and influential both at the local and international level. The Executive Women’s Network needed an online presence to facilitate bringing such women together to encourage each other. They partnered with ePareto to build a website the will showcase their cause. The site also have a membership login and directory feature to enable members to network effectively. Interested individuals can send membership applications through the website.
Peverett Maxwell

Peverett Maxwell is a corporate consultancy providing a unique combination of consultancy services to help businesses and organisations meet the challenging business terrain in emerging markets especially Africa. Client requested for a simple website to showcase what they have to offer to potential client.
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